Friday, August 28, 2020

Philosopher essay Free Essays

The United States’ type of majority rules system was not gathered all by one man over night. The possibility of self government is a thought not generally pondered in a world who ere a ruler dominated. Old style Republican Philosophers and Natural Rights Philosophers deluge encoded numerous significant records that have controlled our nation, for example, the Declaration n of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, an archive of the French upset and history of huh man rights, and the Declaration of Independence. We will compose a custom exposition test on Rationalist article or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was giggly profoundly affected by Thomas Jefferson since Jefferson was working with General Lafayette and Lafayette respected Jefferson. The absolute first article of this Declare Zion, â€Å"Men are brought into the world free and stay free and equivalent in rights† shows that everybody is equivalent. The entirety of the rights demonstrate scarcely any limitation to individuals and express how every individual is Nat aurally equivalent. The Declaration of Independence was composed by Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson deliberately sorted out the Declaration to control the nation, while indicating an unmistakable Seen SE of opportunity toward the person. Thomas Jefferson utilized the unalienable rights, â€Å"Life, Lib retry, and a quest for Happiness† to communicate the sort of life a United States resident ought to have. Thomas Jefferson utilized these three rights from John Locke with the exception of Locke utilized property rather than a quest for satisfaction. By â€Å"property’ Locke implied more than effects, he ref failed to one’s prosperity all in all also. Utilizing these three rights, American individuals can d frosted when the administration has been excessively harming and can transform it (if need be). The D speeding up states reasons â€Å"We have cautioned them from time to time†¦ Step by step instructions to refer to Philosopher paper, Essays

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Analysis of Language, Rhetoric, and Politics in George Orwell’s 1984 Essay Example for Free

Examination of Language, Rhetoric, and Politics in George Orwell’s 1984 Essay This announcement originating from the novel entitled Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell contains various implications relying upon its unique situation and levelheadedness. The expression â€Å"war is peace† can be characterize as an expectation or end that harmony is consistently an aftereffect of war. When there is war, there would be harmony, which isn't in every case genuine relies upon the circumstance. The expression â€Å"freedom is slavery† can be said that regardless of whether you are free, there are impacts, outcomes, and givers that would proceed with the demonstration of servitude and individuals would in any case experience the ill effects of these cases. Since when we state opportunity, there would be a type of administration and popular government however as long as power exists, bondage would at present become some portion of opportunity. The expression â€Å"ignorance is strength† can be genuine now and again. In the event that you are oblivious, you are increasingly equipped for acting without losing anything since you don't know something. Obliviousness can be said as a departure to do everything without knowing anything †just to be free. Nonetheless, for what reason do these expressions were expressed on the off chance that they could really say what is valid and right with no obscure, vague, and doublespeak words or dialects. Utilization of dialects can be dubious and equivocal relying upon the individual who utilized it, on the setting he is relating with, the individuals he is conversing with and the importance of those words itself. Frequently, we use words that are light however basic so as to make our crowd or the individual we are chatting with will be less troubled by the entire circumstance. We utilize fluffy, befuddling and light words to epitomize the significance of what we have to state in understanding to their emotions. One of the functional or least complex models is the words or dialects in business. An enterprise needs to lessen its representatives because of organization issues, yet rather than utilizing genuine words †they used specialized words so as to cause their workers to comprehend the circumstances (not the genuine explanation) with no worries or if nothing else negligible complaint originating from the workers. One organization denied it was laying off 500 individuals. We dont portray it as a cutback, said the corporate turn specialist. Were dealing with our staff assets. At times you oversee them up, and here and there you oversee them down. Terminating laborers is such huge business that there are organizations whose business is helping different organizations fire laborers by giving end and outplacement counseling to enterprises engaged with decrease exercises. In any case, dont stress, if youre oversaw down, the Outplacement Consultant will assist you with re-work designing. (Lutz, 1996) Because of these situations, individuals became dumbfounded instead of being instructed that are really required in each part of human life. So as to get beneficial, we should be advanced by the way that we have to comprehend things that are associated with our occupations, sociological cooperation, or even close to home maters. Be that as it may, there are occurrences when these parts of comprehension and training couldn't be gotten on the grounds that individuals behind those contentions and issues are caught by their activities. Accordingly, it is a type of taking †taking our learning, information, and benefit to perceive delicate issues. That is the reason individuals having these issues are playing-safe to secure less refusal or clashes later on yet the results will be increasingly hazardous. At that point, an inquiry will ascend towards these issues as it become progressively dynamic during these occasions. The inquiry will be what are the grounds of these individuals to state questionable, dubious, and doublespeak that are more clashing as opposed to genuine musings? I surmise, the motivation behind why these things happened is that individuals are characteristically liar in various structures and grounds as additionally dependent on the article of Stephanie Ericsson entitled, The Ways We Lie. For what reason do they have to do these? It is on the grounds that they have to constrain individuals that there is no issue or everything is okay to degree of lying just to improve things. We lie. We as a whole do. We limit, we maintain a strategic distance from showdown, we save people’s sentiments, we helpfully overlook, we keep privileged insights, we legitimize misleading the large person circumstances. (Ericsson, 1992) This announcement shows that we as a whole lie in various circumstances particularly when it is required or now and then we utilized words that are less hostile to limit the response of our crowd or who we are chatting with. For this situation, as associated with the expressions above, utilization of doublespeak, unclear, or questionable words are as of now part of our sociological collaboration. We are doing this so as to make the individuals less goal to the entire circumstance. In any case, we can't deny the way that it will before long rose into a clashing issues that should be done in understanding to the law. Originating from the novel Nineteen Eighty-four by Orwell the announcement â€Å"robbing its residents of their ability for basic idea and sensible, credible self-expression† is genuine from the past as well as in the present will in any case exists later on. It is a dread we as well, in our advanced society, must share, or contend that his dread is overstated or even unwarranted. As a result of the cases that were clarified above, individuals couldn't have the option to communicate in light of the fact that hello are getting oblivious to what is valid and right. I can say that it is smarter to perceive reality in spite of the disappointment that it might cause as opposed to doing a few activities and trusting that there would be a more promising time to come however, there would be no answer for the issue is increasingly hopeless. Our political, social, financial, and even close to home parts of living are loaded with doublespeak words and dialects. This is on the grounds that we are not generally open to the real world and truth for we would prefer not to be dismissed, committed, and disappointment. Frequently, we continue avoiding our covers to escape from the assurance of everything. That is the reason, so as to limit these cases, individuals are as of now doing lesser projections to decrease ridiculous emotions that may cause pressure and sadness. In any case, does political perspective needs these cases to amplify the weights of things to come. Coherently, we realize that political cases and perspectives ought to be straightforward with regards to its choice, inclinations, and issues since its residents are the essential influenced from every last bit of it. All things considered, this isn't the circumstance today. There are a few circumstances or possibly practically tricky circumstances that are avoided the information on the individuals for it will carry horrible clash to the nation. On the off chance that the administration couldn't control the circumstance and individuals thought about it, the president or the pioneer will clarify yet it will utilize doublespeak words or dialects to make the individuals increasingly agreeable and to diminish their dread, however up to what degree? Things like these occurred after the September 11, 2001 assault in New York. The president guarantee that the nation is now protected from fear assaults yet he didn't express any issue after the dread assault. He utilized doublespeak words to make its kin less alarmed from the entire circumstance yet he didn't utter a word about the helpless cases and issue inside the white house that the fear based oppressors previously cautioned them yet they didn't focus on it. For this situation, they would not like to be accused so they made a few segues and concentrated on the future having no further avocations of the past and the present. Presently, it is comprehensively evident that political composing is terrible composition. Where it isn't correct, it will for the most part be discovered that the essayist is a renegade, communicating his private conclusions and not a partisan principal. Universality, of whatever shading, appears to request an inert, imitative style. The political tongues to be found in handouts, driving articles, manifestoes, White papers and the addresses of undersecretaries do, obviously, change from gathering to party, however they are generally similar in that one never finds in them a new, clear, natively constructed turn of discourse. All in all, Orwell’s tale is a disclosure of the past circumstances that despite everything exists today. Language isn't an issue yet the individuals who utilized the language dependent on their aims and want. On the off chance that they decide not to be committed and capable to the issue, they will utilize doublespeak words, yet on the off chance that we consider it, who will be liable for those issues if nobody speaks the truth about everything? Is it the group of people yet to come, or our predecessors?

Friday, August 21, 2020

Vietnam war book review essays

Vietnam war book survey papers The American Experience in Vietnam War The book covers data from the early long stretches of the war in 1954 as far as possible in 1975. It is composed by Grace Sevy, who is an independent educator at Stanford University. For the greater part of the part, she portrays the story from a nonpartisan and third individual point of view. The book contains 5 sections in a sequential request that dissect the significant fights, the job of media and the result and significance of the war. America had the option to utilize the most recent advancements in the war against North Vietnam. B-52 aircraft flew at statures that kept them from being seen and dropped 8 million tons of bombs on Vietnam. Another scandalous bomb was the napalm. It had a clingy gel that connected to the skin and a touching off specialist that consumed skin. The pineapple bomb was comprised of 250 pellets inside a little canister. One of the serious issues looked by the US powers were the Vietcong, who covered up in the backwoods in Vietnam and propelled shock assaults. They splashed a concoction, Agent Orange, noticeable all around that devastated timberlands and furthermore caused chromosomal harm in individuals. Synthetic compounds, for example, Agent Blue were showered on crops so that would cut the flexibly for the Vietcong. All the synthetic compounds were answerable for genuine medical issues and sickness flare-ups. The Gulf of Tonkin occurrence prompted the heightening of US contribution in Vietnam. On August 2, 1964, the Maddox was leading a DeSoto watch, alluding to a secret activities strategic. The reason for this crucial to gather insight on radar and beach front resistances of North Vietnam. Be that as it may, the North Vietnamese torpedo watch pontoons assaulted the Maddox. The U.S.S. Ticonderoga sent airplane to repulse the North Vietnamese aggressors and sunk one pontoon while harming other adversary vessels. While trying to conceivably draw the North Vietnamese into a commitment, both the Maddox and the C. Turner Joy were in the bay on August 4. The skipper of the Maddox had deciphered his boat ... <!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Topics for a Argument Essay - a Short Introduction

Topics for a Argument Essay - a Short Introduction A conclusion is, without doubt, the most essential portion of the argumentative essay since you can either support the excellent impression or destroy it entirely. Pay close attention to all things electronic, and you will be certain to find something debatable of what you see. Besides general knowledge you have concerning the subject, you won't mind dedicating some opportunity to research, writing procedure, and other aspects essential for the high-quality essay. When you're picking your topic, remember that it's much simpler to write about something which you currently have interest ineven in case you don't know a great deal about it. There are invariably a wide variety of opinions on the topic of technology, and here are our favourite things to consider on the subject. There are a lot of on-line essay writing services to aid you with your writing tasks. In any case, direct and indirect quotes are required to support your understanding of academic writing style. Be part of our happy clients who have found the very best essay service online and are enjoying the advantages of it. The Hidden Truth About Topics for a Argument Essay Schools having the very same sex students are a lot better. Cyber bullying caught by means of a student even away from the school premises have to be hindered by the schools admin. Another reason is to observe how well students argue on various views and demonstrate understanding of the studied subject. Going to a debate, students have to contemplate their degree of education to select an appropriate topic that suits both your requirements and your level. Vital Pieces of Topics fo r a Argument Essay An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. If you opt to be a self-employed essay writer, you can expect the exact same. To discover argumentative essay topics easy on various platforms, you want to comprehend about the argumentative essay. Now that you're aware that we are the very best online essay writing service to work with, don't hesitate to stop by our site and order an essay. School should occur in the evenings. To compose a strong argumentative essay, students should start by familiarizing themselves with a number of the common, and frequently conflicting, positions on the research topic so they can write an educated paper. The topic may be more difficult to produce. For that reason, it's important to select a topic that wouldn't be difficult to study. You will probably locate a different and wonderful topic you will love to write about. Also, remember your discussion topics must fit the other students' level some of them is able to be not able to take care of the topic that has too many facets to think about. The Death of Topics for a Argument Essay Becoming in a position to compose a strong argument can help you succeed in society. Such society can't grow and progress. Argumentative debate topics cover specific problems, problems, phenomenon or subjects that you could deliberate. There are a lot of things to argue when it has to do with the law. Top Topics for a Argument Essay Secrets The goal in teaching a controversial subject isn't to sway students to an opinion or the other, but they could change the way that they feel after further discussion. 4 After introducing either side of the matt er and allowing students to explore their opinions, you can express your own opinion about it. As students discuss the problem, they'll be able to assist each other further understand the arguments posed by every side. 3 After presenting either side of the problem and making certain students understand the controversy, give modest groups of students a chance to talk about the arguments each side presents. Affirmative action has to be put to a conclusion. Not each time you prepare for debate you'll have to be serious. It is also feasible to outline a compromise for a conclusion. Citizens who don't place a vote has to be fined. Introducing Topics for a Argument Essay If you take part in debates, you are able to also develop your research, note-taking, and analytical abilities, along with gain the capacity to create balanced, informed arguments and utilize evidence and reasoning. You research, develop an argument, find evidence to back up your claims, etc. The dearth of very good support sources will end in a decrease grade. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics as you need opposing points which you can counter to your own points.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay On No Child Left Behind - 1813 Words

Priscilla Rojas English 1A Mrs. Santani 13 December 2017 No Child Left Behind There have been many efforts made by the U.S government to reform our public-school education system. In the year 2002, a law promoted by George W. Bush required public schools to provide demographics on each one of their students. With this system in place, it ensures that no child enrolled is neglected from this system. The No Child Left Behind law is a disadvantage to our public-school system. Even though this act was put in place to aid our students, it is ultimately crippling them. Children with learning disabilities are required to take standardized tests to comply with the government requirements. One of the main features of the No Child Left Behind Act is†¦show more content†¦Many penalties include the following â€Å"Replace principal, strengthen staffing, implement research-based instructional program, extend learning time and implement new governance.† (Jost 341). Even though No Child Left Behind Act forces all schools to provide a top-quality education to students who are often overseen in America’s public education system. Including students with disabilities, children from low-income families and non-English speakers, as well as all other ethnicities. For the first time in U.S. history, educational progress is tracked separately and required to be shown for each ethnic group in each school, rather than one average for an entire school. Previously, to prove progress, schools could focus on increasing test scores or related data for a small, bright group of students to bring up the average, rather than ensuring that all students are given an equal opportunity at a world-class education. This new law was supposed to close the achievement gap and set higher standard for the overall population of the students. But results have shown that dropout rates have increased tremendously because students are overwhelmed with an over rated state standardized test. Teachers are obligated to teach the content required for students to achieve high test results. A method teachers often us is called the â€Å"banking method. As a team of coined by Paulo Fair explained this method as â€Å"Education thus becomes an act ofShow MoreRelatedNo Child Left Behind Essay2629 Words   |  11 PagesNo Child Left Behind; Why we should rethink the current policy. Education was the focus of George W. Bush’s Presidential campaign in 2000. Using the improved Texas educational system as an example, President Bush promised to change education in America for the better. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was the result of his promise. Bringing reform to American Education, the NCLB is the topic of much controversyRead MoreNo Child Left Behind Essays1062 Words   |  5 Pages LITERATURE REVIEW Rushton talks about the funding for the No Child Left Behind is being held back if the students don’t do well on the standardized tests. So if the students don’t do well on the testing the teachers are being affected in the way of how much they are getting paid, also affects the school districts funding. This is encouraging the teachers not to teach the way they should, but they are teaching in the way of let’s just make the students do well on the standardized tests. In thisRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind776 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction One of main components of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is measuring school’s success by it graduation rate because of this enactment, schools are focused to ensure students graduate from high school (US Department of Education, n.d.). In the past, students who needed credit recovery attended summer school to try and recovery lost course credit. Today however, there are many software programs that now replace traditional summers school. Through online web based software, students canRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind840 Words   |  4 PagesNo Child Left Behind (NCLB) was produced to make 100% of students’ proficient by 2014. While the idea sounds perfect on paper, it is not the case when it is put into action. NCLB was replaced in 2015 and replaced by the Every Student Succeeds Act. Many students did not use the resource effectively due to the fact that not all children have the same views and desires toward fulfilling their education career. This in turn makes it hard for the teachers to follow the education guidelines while alsoRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind928 Words   |  4 PagesNo Child Left Behind The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was a US Act of Congress. This law took effect in 2002. This had an impact on US public school classrooms. Through this law there were several effects in the way schools teaching their students. this also affected what tests the students had to take and the teachers training. This also addressed the way schools and their districts were going to spend their monetary funds. The goal of this act was to provide educators assistance in planningRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind719 Words   |  3 Pages Ever since President George W. Bush implemented the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act in 2002, states across the nation have developed a wide array of methods to keep education systems accountable. When identifying the role the NCLB has in America’s education systems, Professor of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Arizona Jill Koyama determined that the NCLB act requires â€Å"†¦ states [to] implement accountability systems that assess students annually and, based on those assessments, determineRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind1055 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is over the top requirements? Per the extreme efforts of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the 10TH AMENDMENT, Title I all has placed our nation at risk for complete failure. With over 98,817 operating schools in the United States alone, and 88,929 public schools, 66,646 of them are categorized as Title I schools. Some may think the accomplishments NCLB since it was put into place on January 8, 2002 by former President Bush has made tremendous leaps and bounds. When in fact the education reformRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind1333 Words   |  6 PagesHook: â€Å"I used to love teaching,† said Steve Eklund, a retired California teacher. â€Å"Four words drove me into retirement—No Child Left Behind. I could no longer tend to the needs and wants of my students. All I was supposed to do was to get them ready to take tests.† Intro (with thesis): The surviving NCLB mindset of standardized tests being an accurate measure of a students achievement is a problem because it affects our student’s education and increases performance pressure on teachers. WhatRead MoreNo Child Left Behind Essay1378 Words   |  6 Pages Since its inception in 2001, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) has only made the divide in quality of education greater, and was ultimately detrimental to the American Education System. When President George Bush first proposed the NCLB, his intention was to level the playing field and provide an equally excellent education for every American student, what happened though, could not have been further from George Bush’s intentions. The whole basis of the NCLB is funding for performance, meaningRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind1132 Words   |  5 PagesNo Child Left Behind The American education system often conjures up images of classrooms, students and teachers. Yet it can also be a point of political contention. The educational system is complex and intended to encompass all students so they can further their education and essentially their futures. However, the real question is in its effectiveness. After all, if there is no way to show that students are actually learning, then it renders the idea of schooling moot. That is why education policy

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Business Regulation Law 531 - 1295 Words

Business Regulations Simulation Law/531 Business Regulation Simulation When conducting business whether it is local and global, big or small organizations have to abide by state and federal laws. Depending on the nature of the business different organization has to comply with certain laws and regulations. For example, retailers like Wal-Mart, Target and Kroger have to comply with the Department of Labor and a manufacturing company like LM Fiberglass and Toyota would have to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). When an organization do not comply with the state and federal regulation the company can face fines or become caught up in major†¦show more content†¦In this case of negligence Bates must prove that Alumina had a duty to keep the PAH levels contained. In a case Alumina breaches that duty by not staying in compliance with the EPA regulation several years ago. Bates assumes that the consumption of the water cause th e harm of her daughter to have leukemia. In response Alumina chose to conduct an independent site study for new violations. The reports come back good the PAH levels were well below the standard. After releasing a partial audit report Bates has threaten to file a lawsuit against Alumina of personal injury to recover compensation and punitive damages. Alumina negligent conduct of â€Å"serious violation of environmental laws five years ago is the cause of her daughter leukemia,† alleged by Bates (Business Regulations Simulation, 2010). The best resolution for this situation is mediation by a neutral third party, by choosing this options Alumina can provide Bates with a confidential settlement. The settlement includes that Alumina provides Bates with reimbursement of medical expenses for her daughter treatment a lump sum for future treatments and a college fund set aside if her daughters recovers from the leukemia (Business Regulations Simulation, 2010). Although tort liability is founded on intended harm strict liability is attached even though the defendant has been reasonable. In the Article titled â€Å" The American Influence on Canadian TortShow MoreRelatedWhich S takeholders Can Currently Be Considered to Be Part of the â€Å"the Company† for the Purpose of the Directors Duty to Act in the Best Interests of the Corporation?1667 Words   |  7 Pagessubstantial part of the company’s business can be defined as a director. The legal definition of director is stated under section 9 of the Corporations Act[1] which indicates that, it is more appropriate to look at the function of the people rather than at the job title itself. Duties are imposed on the directors to regular illegal behavior and ensure that they act for the benefit of the company. All directors and officers of a corporation are bound by a number of general law and statutes which includeRead MoreEmployment Law Compliance Plan Essays784 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ Employment Law Compliance Plan of Bollman Hotels Kendre Adams HRM/531- Human Capital Management 11/13/2014 Professor Tanesha Graham Memorandum To: Traci Goldman, Manager From: Kendre Adams Date: November 13, 2014 Subject: Employment Law Compliance Plan – Bollman Hotels Per your request, I have formulated an employment law compliance plan for a Mr. Galvan. Mr. Galvan is a Human Resources Representative for Bollman Hotels and the hotel chain is currently located in Minneapolis, MinnesotaRead MoreEssay on Law 531 Week 2 Threats1382 Words   |  6 PagesLaw 531 Week two Law 531 Week Two Threats. The contract is agreement between two parties they find they have some to exchange; the power and commitment between two parties enforcement by the court, The contract have many legal details to be discussed by lawyer or expert. The contract administration, focus on the requirement for the services the company have to get when they sign a contract for new service or to get new products. In field like software consultant it is very complicated andRead MoreBuslaw 531 Litigation716 Words   |  3 PagesTraditional VS Non Traditional Litigation Traditional vs. Nontraditional Litigation Majid Clark University of phoenix Business Law 531 JOAN SCHILLER TRAVIS, J.D. July 27, 2011 Traditional vs. Nontraditional Litigation The process of bringing, maintaining, and defending a lawsuit is called litigation. The word litigation usually strikes fear into the hearts of the business community. Litigation relates to a claim for damages decided by legal proceedings. Most litigation cases involve defendingRead MoreEssay on Hrm 531884 Words   |  4 PagesTeam Reflection: Principles and Strategies HRM/531 July 15, 2013 Tiffany Mytty-Klein Team Reflection: Principles and Strategies Principles and strategies that applies for a small, medium and large organization is what Team A had to discuss this week for each of our chosen business to be compliant with state and country laws while starting their businesses or expanding to a new state or country. We collectively analyzed three businesses that were exploring different possibilities for expandingRead MoreIRAC Brief1018 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ IRAC Brief Law/531 Facts of the Case According to  United States District Court District of Massachusetts  Civil Action 11-10313-GAO  (2013), Anderson, Silva, Johnson and Funches contracted through a limited liability company by the name of SLS to perform delivery services work on behalf of HDA (United States District Court District of Massachusetts,  2013). Plaintiffs Case Each driver was provided with their truck Trucks provided to the contractors bore Sears Logo Uniforms bore bothRead MoreEssay on employment laws compliance plan819 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ Employment Law Compliance Plan HRM/531 October 23, 2013 Employment Law Compliance Plan To: Traci Goldeman From: Celeste Parker Date: October 23, 2013 Subject: Employment Law Compliance Plan This memorandum is in regard to the request for an employee law compliance plan for Bradley Stonefields limousine service in Austin, Texas. Mr. Stonefields limousine service is expected to employ approximately 25 employees during the first year of service. The memorandum will discuss variousRead MoreLegal Forms of Business Paper938 Words   |  4 PagesLegal Forms of Business Paper Law/531 June 3rd, 2011 University of Phoenix Legal Forms of Business Paper Selecting the best form of operating a business depends on the type of business the owner wants to run. The owners have to pick the structure that best meets their needs. â€Å"The selection depends on many factors, including the ease and cost of formation, the capital requirements of the business, the flexibility of management decisions, government restrictions, personal liability, taxRead MoreEssay about Double Taxation1718 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Double taxation arises when an individual or business acquiring income in a foreign country is required to pay taxes on that income in both the foreign country as well as the country of origin. For example, an American company operating in a developing country, in the absence of a tax treaty between the two countries may have to pay a withholding tax to the government of the developing country, as well as corporation tax to the United States government (Howard, 2001, p. 259). TheRead MoreRiordan Enterprise Risk Management Plan1294 Words   |  6 PagesThe reasoning is mediation is cheaper than other dispute resolution methods, especially litigation, and it protects the confidentiality of the parties involved (Peters and Mastin, 2007). Riordan’s internal legal council will work directly with the law firm on retainer to develop a mediation process with varying levels of triggers based on levels of risk. In doing so, Riordan should set up a process for which their internal legal department can handle the brunt of the load to further reduce costs

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Embedding Cyber Resilience Company Culture †

Question: Discuss about the Embedding Cyber Resilience Company Culture. Answer: Introduction: Every individual and organization transforms their ability through technology for collecting, analyzing, and using the information in a better way. Numbers of historical barriers are removed by the integrated networks and internet, for the purpose of sharing the information in productive manner and use the technology for revolutionize our economic and personal lives. This concept results in cyber eco system, and it includes community related to interacting devices, peoples, organizations, networks, technology for providing support to these interactions. The main aim of this system is to transform the use of technology by organizations for the purpose of increasing their benefits. It must be noted that organizations while using this system also developed cyber resilience. Cyber resilience is considered as, ability of organization to powerfully resist, reacts, and recovers the threats related to cyber security and reshaping the environment for ensuring secure and sustainable cyber operations (Dhillon, 2015). Organizations which are cyber resilient do not only rely on traditional technology solutions and methodologies for achieving their goals. They ensure exceptional resilience leadership, culture, networks and change readiness for the purpose of creating sustainable advantage over their competitors, cyber criminals, and others. Cyber criminals are those criminals who have various resources and they will use any situations for achieving their goals, such as natural disasters or any other temporary disruptions. It is necessary for organizations to understand how these sources are varied. This report does not answer the question why it is necessary for organizations to be resilient but instead of this report answers how this sustainability related to resilient operations can be achieved. Organizations must consider the way through which they can achieve their goals and also manage the cyber resilience. Cyber-attacks are not easy to handle and there are no simple solutions related to these attacks. It is necessary for organizations to manage these cyber related issues foe ensuring long term existence and reputation of the business (EY, 2014). About information Resilience: In the present world, it is necessary for the organization to safeguard their sensitive information. A resilient organization must manage its information related to physical, digital and intellectual property throughout its complete process that is from source to destruction. Organization can ensure this by adopting the practices which are information security-minded and which allowed the stakeholders to collect, access, store, and use the information in securely and effective manner. Information is considered as the key which maintains the trust and transparency throughout the supply chain, and it is also considered as essential element which manages the performance of the organization and enhances the quality of the end product. Business productivity was greatly boosted by the digitalization but it also introduces various security threats in the organization such as computer-assisted fraud, espionage, and sabotage and cyber vandalism. However, these threats are not external but generate from internal practices of the organization. Use of cloud computing and outsourcing the personal and business data is the actual reason which increases this problem. Therefore, it is necessary for organizations to collect, use, and stores the information in appropriate manner and protects its integrity with the robust information security management systems. It becomes compulsory for organizations to create trust between them and their consumers, that information system of the or ganization is run securely and adequate measure are taken to protect the sensitive data. Best practice in organizations ensures information security in their practices and ensures rapid and effective decision making in safe environment. This can be understood through example ISO 27001 is used by Capgemini, a global leader organization in consulting, technology, outsourcing and local professional services for the purpose of increasing its cyber resilience. By adopting this standard, organization also gets the advantage over its competitors. Comprehensive approach related to information security was adopted by the organization and it also adopts various measures for the purpose of ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the information. Key security drivers adopted by the organization includes potential attacks by computer system hackers and some new threats also such as increase in government regulations and more strong approach from the PIN card industry. In case organization fails to compile with these regulations then there is risk of heavy fines and severe damage to the reputation. Issues related to security also become major concerns for clients of the organization (BSI, n.d.; OECD, 2012). Cyber eco system approach: Cyber resilience mainly focuses on the measures that can be adopted by the organization for increasing its security from both internal and external threats, and on those elements also which collaboratively developed by the organization with its business partners and industry peers. Cyber resilience is considered as primary issue in the Corporate Plan 2015-2016 to 2017-2018, developed by ASIC and authority deals with this issue on priority basis. In Australia, cyber task force is already in operation and collaborating with the industry, regulators and the Government. It must be noted that cyber resilience is considered as fundamental issue in all organizations because it deals with the confidential information. As per the research conducted by industry almost 60% of the customers stop using the products of the company or services if any cyber-attack resulted in security breach. Such things negatively impact the business and profitability of the organization, even though such breach is temporary in nature (ASIC, 2016). It is very important to understand the cyber eco system of the organization for the purpose of managing the risk. It is not like traditional information security in which organization only ensures their security, but now it is important to address the security concerns of their stakeholders also. Next step is Mapping the relationships, which means organization must consider its approach for analyzing its position in the system. It is necessary for organization to understand its external and internal environment for the purpose of determining its crucial information which actually needs protection. In other words, organization can adopt risk based approach under which organization mainly protects its crucial information which is necessary for its survival and growth and not all the information. Organization can established security limit which state the key relationships and guides the organization regarding the organizations and authority from which they can share the information. Security limit actually states the rules, guidelines, and commonly accepted protocols for the purpose of sharing the information between trusted parties. There is one more step under which organization can conduct risk assessment related to cyber security by considering the information assets, dependency of organization on other institutions, threats, etc. (ASIC, 2016). NIST Cyber security Framework: Effective cyber resilience is necessary for developing the appropriate strategies which also includes planning to handle cyber-attack. There are various standards and methodologies which are developed by the Australian government for the purpose of mitigating the cyber risk: ASIC considered that NIST Cyber security Framework is relevant for the regulated population, and especially for financial service providers which operate their business in a global environment. NIST cyber security framework is adopted by critical infrastructure providers in the United States, and it also includes those who are operating in financial services and markets. For financial markets, NIST can become global benchmark. This can be understood through example, US security Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) is encouraging its members to use NIST and it is also supported by Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA). It must be noted that both the American Bankers Association and the American Insurance Association strongly supports this framework. This framework enables the organization to apply or complement the methodologies and standards which exists. In other words, new standards and concepts are not introduced by this framework, but it only considered the existing methodologies and standards related to global security and IT governance (ASIC, 2016). Cyber resilience initiatives in Australia: Australia initiated various processes for the purpose of reviewing and updating their cyber resilience initiatives, and these initiatives mainly focus on improved collaboration between the industry and public-private information sharing. Some on these initiatives are stated below: National plan to combat cybercrime- this national plan was introduced by Australian government in 2013, and it includes the commitments from the commonwealth, state, and territory governments of Australia for the purpose of working together and addressing the threat of cybercrime. Six priority areas are identified by the government under this national plan, and actions of the government for contributing in these areas. This is considered as national response to cybercrime. Six highlighted areas are: Provides education to the community for the purpose of protecting the community. Participates with the industry in solving the issues related to cybercrime. Encouraging intelligence led approach and sharing of information. Increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of government agencies, especially in the area of law enforcement for the purpose of addressing crime. Focus on addressing the issues related to cybercrime at international level and contribute in global efforts to reduce the crime. Ensure effective framework related to criminal justice. ACORN- ACORN was introduced by the Australian government in November 2014. It is the online system which works at national level and allowed the public to report the cybercrime in secure manner. It is considered as important initiative under the national plan which was designed for the purpose of simplifying the method of reporting, and it also develop the better understanding in relation to effect of cybercrime on Australians. ACSC- in November 2014, Government opened ACSC for the purpose of bring the law enforcement, defense, and security capabilities related to cyber security at single window, and it also ensure collaboration between different agencies. Some functions of ACSC are stated below: It responds the issues related to cyber security on behalf of the Australian government. Helps in coordinating the operations and capabilities of national cyber security. Investigate the issues related to cyber threats. ACSC takes steps to encourage the public to report on cyber security incidents. Make reports on extent of cyber threat. Raise awareness related to cyber security. ACSC achieve the above stated targets by collaborate the operations of the following authorities: Cyber security mission of ASDs. CERT in Australia that is national computer emergency response team. Representatives of the Australian Federal Police. Crime commission of Australia, for the purpose of understanding the cyber threat intelligence and encouraging respond options. Specialists of cyber investigations and telecommunication security from the Australian Security Intelligence Organization. Analysts of cyber threat from Defense Intelligence Organization and Defense Science and Technology Organization (AISC, 2015; ASIC, 2016). Recommendations: Following are some recommendations which are given after analyzing the above facts, and can be adopted by the board of directors of the company. These recommendations help the organization in integrating the cyber risk and resilience into the business strategy for the purpose of ensuring growth and profitability of the business. Following are some principals which must be adopted by the Board for ensuring cyber safety in their organization: Board of directors takes the responsibility for oversight the cyber security. It is necessary for board of directors to gain knowledge related to cyber security. It is the duty of board to make sure that any one corporate officer is accountable for the cyber security. Programs related to cyber resilience and risk assessment must be conducted by the management of the board. Board of directors must define the risk tolerance power of the organization. Accountability must be imposed on the management of the company by the board of directors in the matters of cyber security. Inclusion of stakeholders must be encouraged by the board of directors of the organization. In annual report of the organization, Board of directors must address the plans related to cyber resilience. Performance of the board related to enforcement plans of cyber resilience must be reviewed by the board itself. Board of directors must enforce review related to cyber resilience. From above standards, it is clear that cyber threat is developed from the internal practices of the organization. Therefore, it is necessary that organization must analyze their internal practices. Conclusion: This report states the issues of cyber resilience, and not focus on the causes of cyber threats but it states the measures of cyber threats. In other words, measures related to sustainability of resilient operations. It further suggests the way through which organization can achieve their goals and also manage the cyber resilience. References: ASIC, (2015). Cyber resilience: Health check. Viewed at: Accessed on 28th August 2017. ASIC, (2016). Embedding cyber resilience within company culture. Viewed at: Accessed on 28th August 2017. ASIC, (2016). ASICS corporate plan 201516 to 201819. Viewed at: Accessed on 28th August 2017. ASIC, (2016). Building resilience: The challenge of cyber risk. Viewed at: Accessed on 28th August 2017. ASIC, (2016). Cyber resilience assessment report: ASX Group and Chi-X Australia Pty Ltd. Viewed at: Accessed on 28th August 2017. BSI. Organizational Resilience. Viewed at: Accessed on 28th August 2017. Dhillon, G. (2015). What to do before and after a cyber-security breach?. Viewed at: Accessed on 28th August 2017. EY, (2014). Achieving resilience in the cyber ecosystem. Viewed at:$FILE/EY-Insights_on_GRC_Cyber_ecosystem.pdf. Accessed on 28th August 2017. OECD, (2012). Cybersecurity policy making At a turning point. Viewed at: Accessed on 28th August 2017.